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Test Center

Put us to the test

Are you getting the most out of your CPM equipment? Chances are, we can help you discover a more effective process at our state-of-the-art Test Center.

Located in Waterloo, Iowa, the Test Center has our complete line of equipment, automation, and controls, fully operational and in one place. If you have material that you need to reduce or densify, you can send us a sample and we’ll run it through all the paces. We monitor and record every step of the testing process, so we can give you a full and detailed analysis of the results.

Our viability report contains invaluable advice on pelleting and particle size reduction, along with specifications and recommendations to grow and improve your processing operations. No matter what your unique specifications are, our Test Center can help you gain optimal results out of your CPM equipment.

The applications engineers and Test Center technicians are here so you can find the best way to grind, crush, crumble, break, flake, hull, hammer, shred, cool, pellet or condition any material you have—so put us to the test!