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Preparation Process Control

The Preparation Process Control systems employ the latest technology and are designed to meet the demanding requirements of operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Beta Raven Preparation Process Control
Preparation Process Control Image

Preparation Process Control

This screen shows the interface of the preparation automation process, from Receiving to Storage and everything in between. It also shows critical information such as storage status, main motor loads, and any other alarm points. The system can be set up for your specific requirements and equipment, with labeling and color-coding that easily conveys the information you need. This system can be integrated with the Extraction Control and have all data logged into one common Historian Database.

Start Up & Service Support

At CPM Automation Group, we take pride in providing the very best customer service. Our service technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With remote service access, our technicians are able to connect to your system to find and correct any performance issues, eliminating costly service trips. We offer a variety of service plans to meet your operational needs.